Monthly Archives: November 2019

Day of Reckoning

We believe in the power of story. We believe in the capacity of dark storytelling to bring light to the world. Narratives grip us, thrill us, and lift us to new heights. A good story can transform us, giving us a roadmap to navigate the world, and the courage to face the challenges that greet us.

The road to publication can be a hard one. The Storyville Studio grew out of a desire to share and give back to authors making their journey. We want to encourage strong voices, to lift them up so they can lift others. We focus on a balance of real world, contemporary examples and authors, as well as classic methods of writing and expression, a mix of genre and literary fiction, craft books and academia, personal struggles and successes.

Our goal is to help you grow, evolve, and find your voice—the one that is unique to only you. We want to help you write the stories you want to tell, in the ways that you find exciting and fulfilling.

We have a wide variety of classes and programs to choose from, so whether you’re just beginning, or you’ve been writing for a while, we have a place for you. Come, find a community of writers to support you through your journey, and learn the skills to take you where you want to go.

This is a great time to be a writer.

Storyville Studio


I am absolutely delighted to be part of Storyville Studio’s Day of Reckoning in 2020.

On the second Saturday of every month Storyville gathers together writers and teachers, students and pupils, for a day of intense study and story critique. Seven hours. Seven instructors. Seven different topics.

Day of Reckoning is a one-day Skype session of seven classes that runs from 9-12 AM and then 1-5 PM CST. The sessions last for 45 minutes with a 15 minute break in-between (and an hour for lunch). Each month brings a different mix of instructors and classes. Richard Thomas will be moderating.

The authors included on the rota are Carina Bissett, S. L. Coney, Brian Evenson,Sarah Gailey, Brian Hodge, Lindsay Hunter, Gabino Iglesias, John Langan, Livia Llewellyn, Jacklyn Dre Marceau, Sarah Read, Kelly Robson, Eden Royce, Karen Runge, Priya Sharma, Angela Slatter, Lucy A. Snyder, A. C. Wise, Mercedes M. Yardley, R. B. Wood,  with Richard Thomas as Moderator.

As well as the sessions, students submit 1-8 stories to the authors for feedback.

The class is aimed at writers who has 1-8 stories that need feedback (ideally done, not rough drafts, advanced authors looking to expand their skill set, new authors looking to hone their craft, cross-genre authors (seculative and lit; realism and the supernatural), authors who don’t have time for a longer class and authors looking for professional feedback.

More information about Day of Reckoning : agendas, dates and booking

More information on Storyville Studio and Richard Thomas.

More information on Storyville Studio’s classes.

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